I think this type of a picture is a true classic form of art and extremely breathe taking. There can never be enough said about black and white photography, but the pictures themselves will speak volumes for all that are looking at them.
Black and white film comes in different part.. The tabular black and white film is a new and thinner emulsion film that has more of a surface area and it gives off less depth with high sharpness. Conventional film is the standard type that gives off a superior detail to highlight and was used before the tabular film was introduced in 1988. Orthochromatic film is the best for shots of people and landscapes and gives off a tone that stands above all other film types. Chromogenic film uses dyes and not the silver particles that are used by the other film types. There is no control over the development process and it is more difficult to work with.
There really is no other special equipment or camera that is needed for black and white photography, only the film. When you bring in your roll of film to a store to be developed just let the person behind the counter know what it is. Some places specialize in the development of black and white and it is best to use their services to gain the true feelings you desired to achieve and portray with the photos.